Publication list

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2020 - now

  1. Distinguishing the XUV-induced Coulomb explosion dynamics of iodobenzene using covariance analysis
    T. Walmsley, F. Allum, J. Harries, Y. Kumagai, S. Lim, J. McManus, K. Nagaya, M. Britton, M. Brouard, P. Bucksbaum, M. Fushitani, I. Gabalski, T. Gejo, P. Hockett, A. Howard, H. Iwayama, E. Kukk, C-S. Lam, R. Minns, A. Niozu, S. Nishimuro, J. Niskanen, S. Owada, W. Razmus, D. Rolles, J. D. Somper, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, S.-i. Wada, J. Woodhouse, R. Forbes, M.B. Burt and E.M. Warne
    J. Phys B 57, 235101 (2024)
  2. Time-resolved probing of the iodobenzene C‑band using XUV-induced electron transfer dynamics
    J. Unwin, W.O. Razmus, F. Allum, J.R. Harries, Yo. Kumagai, K. Nagaya, M. Britton, M. Brouard, P. Bucksbaum, M. Fushitani, I. Gabalski, T. Gejo, P. Hockett, A.J. Howard, H. Iwayama, E. Kukk, C.-S. Lam, J. McManus, R.S. Minns, A. Niozu, S. Nishimuro, J. Niskanen, S. Owada, J.D. Pickering, D. Rolles, J. Somper, K. Ueda, S.-I. Wada, T. Walmsley, J.L. Woodhouse, R. Forbes, M. Burt, and E.M. Warne
    ACS Phys. Chem. Au 4, 620 (2024)
  3. Concluding remarks: reflections on the Faraday Discussion on New Directions in Molecular Scattering
    M. Brouard
    Faraday Discuss. 251, 666 (2024)
  4. Ultrafast dynamics of fluorene initiated by highly intense laser fields
    D. Garg, P. Chopra, J.W.L. Lee, D.S. Tikhonov, S. Kumar, O. Akcaalan, F. Allum, R. Boll, A.A. Butler, B. Erk, E. Gougoula, S.P. Gruet, L. He, D. Heathcote, E. Jones, M.M. Kazemi, J. Lahl, A.K. Lemmens, Z. Liu, D. Loru, S. Maclot, R. Mason, J. Merrick, E. Muller, T. Mullins, C.C. Papadopoulou, C. Passow, J. Peschel, M. Plach, D. Ramm, P. Robertson, D. Rompotis, A. Simao, A.L. Steber, A. Tajalli, A. Tul-Noor, N. Vadassery, I.S. Vinklarek, S. Techert, J. Kupper, A.M. Rijs, D. Rolles, M. Brouard, S. Bari, P. Eng-Johnsson, C. Vallance, M. Burt, B. Manschwetus and M. Schnell
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 20261 (2024)
  5. The Role of momentum partitioning in covariance ion imaging analysis
    T. Walmsley, J.W. McManus, Y. Kumagai, K. Nagaya, J. Harries, H. Iwayama, M.N.R. Ashfold, M. Britton, P.H. Bucksbaum, B. Downes-Ward, T. Driver, D. Heathcote, P. Hockett, A.J. Howard, J.W.L. Lee, Y. Liu, E. Kukk, D. Milesevic, R.S. Minns, A. Niozu, J. Niskanen, A.J. Orr-Ewing, S. Owada, P.A. Robertson, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, M. Brouard, M. Burt, F. Allum, and R. Forbes
    J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 4548 (2024) ( COVER ARTICLE )
  6. Exploring the ultrafast and isomer-dependent photodissociation of iodothiophenes via site-selective ionization
    W.O. Razmus, F. Allum, J. Harries, Y. Kumagai, K. Nagaya, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Britton, M. Brouard, P.H. Bucksbaum, K. Cheung, S.W. Crane, M. Fushitani, I. Gabalski, T. Gejo, A. Ghrist, D. Heathcote, Y. Hikosaka, A. Hishikawa, P. Hockett, E. Jones, E. Kukk, H. Iwayama, H.V.S. Lam, J.W. McManus, D. Milsesevic, J. Mikosch, S. Minemoto, A. Niozu, A.J. Orr-Ewing, S. Owada, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, D Townsend, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, A. Venkatachalam, S-i. Wada, T. Walmsley, E.M. Warne, J. Woodhouse, M. Burt, M.N.R. Ashfold, R.S. Minns, and R. Forbes
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 26, 12725 (2024)
  7. Two-dimensional projected-momentum covariance mapping for Coulomb explosion imaging
    J.W. McManus, F. Allum, J. Featherstone, C-S. Lam, and M. Brouard
    J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 3220 (2024)
  8. Symmetry breaking - A classic example of quantum interference captured by mixed quantum/classical theory
    K. Imanzi, D. Bostan, M. McCrea, J. Featherstone, M. Brouard and D. Babikov
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 10617 (2023)
  9. Direct momentum imaging of charge transfer following site-selective ionization
    F. Allum, Y. Kumagai, K. Nagaya, J. Harries, H. Iwayama, Mathew Britton, P.H. Bucksbaum, M.B. Burt, M. Brouard, B. Downes-Ward, T. Driver, D. Heathcote, P. Hockett, A.J. Howard, J.W.L. Lee, Y. Liu, E. Kukk, J.W. McManus, D. Milsesevic, A. Niozu, J. Niskanen, A.J. Orr-Ewing, S. Owada, P.A. Robertson, A. Rudenko, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, T. Walmsley, R.S. Minns, D. Rolles, M.N.R. Ashfold and Ruaridh Forbes
    Phys. Rev. A 108, 043113 (2023)
  10. X-ray induced Coulomb explosion imaging of transient excited-state structural rearrangements in CS2
    J. Unwin, F. Allum, M. Britton, I. Gabalski, H. Bromberger, M. Brouard, P.H. Bucksbaum, T. Driver, N. Ekanayake, D. Garg, E. Gougoula, D. Heathcote, A.J. Howard, P. Hockett, D.M.P. Holland, S. Kumar, C.-S Lam, J.W.L. Lee, J. McManus, J. Mikosch, D. Milesevic, R.S. Minns, C.C. Papadopoulou, C. Passow, W.O. Razmus, A. Roder, A. Rouzee, M. Schuurman, A. Simao, A. Stolow, A.-T.-Noor, C. Vallance, T. Walmsley, D. Rolles, B. Erk, M.B. Burt and R. Forbes
    Communications Physics 6, 309 (2023)
  11. Characterizing the multi-dimensional reaction dynamics of dihalomethanes using XUV-induced Coulomb explosion imaging
    T. Walmsley, J. Unwin, F. Allum, S. Bari, R. Boll, K. Borne, M. Brouard, P. Bucksbaum, N. Ekanayake, B. Erk, R. Forbes, A. J. Howard, P. Eng-Johnsson, J. W. L. Lee, Z. Liu, B. Manschwetus, R. Mason, C. Passow, J. Peschel, D. Rivas, D. Rolles, A. Rorig, A. Rouzee, C. Vallance, F. Ziaee and M. Burt
    J. Chem. Phys. 159, 144302 (2023)
  12. Time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: Ultrafast dynamics in CS2 probed at the S 2p edge
    I. Gabalski, F. Allum, I. Seidu, M. Britton, G. Brenner, H. Bromberger, M. Brouard, P.H. Bucksbaum, M.B. Burt, J.P. Cryan, T. Driver, N. Ekanayake, B. Erk, D. Garg, E. Gougoula, D. Heathcote, P. Hockett, D.M.P. Holland, A.J. Howard, S. Kumar, J.W.L. Lee, S. Li, J. McManus, J. Mikosch, D. Milesevic, R.S. Minns, S. Neville, A. Tul Noor, C.C. Papadopoulou, C. Passow, W.O. Razmus, A. Roder, A. Rouzee, A. Simao, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, T. Walmsley, J. Wang, D. Rolles, A. Stolow, M. Schuurman and R. Forbes
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 7126 (2023)
  13. Development of high throughput microscope mode secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging
    F.M. Green, M.E. Castellani, Y. Jia, A. Eyres, N. Smith, S. P. Thompson, P. Blenkinsopp, M.B. Burt, C. Vallance, J. Bunch, Z. Takats and M. Brouard
    J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 34, 1272 (2023)
  14. Multi-particle cumulant mapping for Coulomb explosion imaging.
    C. Cheng, L.J. Frasinski, G. Mogol, F. Allum, A.J. Howard, D. Rolles, P.H. Bucksbaum, M Brouard, R. Forbes and T. Weinacht
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 093001 (2023)
  15. Ion microscope imaging mass spectrometry using a timepix3-based optical camera.
    D. Wood, R.J. Burleigh, N. Smith, D. Bortoletto, M. Brouard, M. Burt, A. Nomerotski, R. Plackett and I. Shipsey
    J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 33, 2328 (2022)
  16. The photoionization and photofragmentation dynamics of I2 in intense laser fields: a velocity-map imaging study
    F. Allum, J.W. McManus, O. Denby, M. Burt and M. Brouard
    J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 8577 (2022)
  17. Disentangling sequential and concerted fragmentations of molecular polycations with covariant native frame analysis
    J.W. McManus, T. Walmsley, K. Nagaya, J. Harries, Y. Kumagai, H. Iwayama, M.N.R. Ashfold, M. Britton, P.H. Bucksbaum, B. Downes-Ward, T. Driver, D. Heathcote, P. Hockett, A.J. Howard, E. Kukk, J.W.L. Lee, Y. Liu, D. Milesevic, R.S. Minns, A. Niozu, J. Niskanen, A.J. Orr-Ewing, S. Owada, D. Rolles, P.A. Robertson, A. Rudenko, K. Ueda, J. Unwin, C. Vallance, M. Burt, M. Brouard, R. Forbes and F. Allum
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 22699 (2022)
  18. The kinetic energy of PAH dication and trication dissociation determined by recoil-frame covariance map imaging
    J.W.L. Lee, D. Tikhonov, F. Allum, R. Boll, P. Chopra, B. Erk, S. Gruet, L. He, D. Heathcote, M. Kazemi, J. Lahl, A. K. Lemmens, D. Loru, S. Maclot, R. Mason, E. Muller, T. Mullins, C. Passow, J. Peschel, D. Ramm, A.L. Steber, S. Bari, M. Brouard, M. Burt, J. Kupper, P. Eng-Johnsson, A. Rijs, D. Rolles, C. Vallance, B. Manschwetus and Melanie Schnell
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 23096 (2022)
  19. Fragmentation dynamics of fluorene explored using ultrafast XUV-Vis pump-probe spectroscopy
    D. Garg, J.W.L. Lee, D.S. Tikhonov, P. Chopra, A.L. Steber, A.K. Lemmens, B. Erk, F. Allum, R. Boll, X. Cheng, S. Dusterer, S. Gruet, L. He, D. Heathcote, M. Johny, M.M. Kazemi, H. Kockert, J. Lahl, D. Loru, S. Maclot, R. Mason, E. Muller, T. Mullins, P. Olshin, C. Passow, J. Peschel, D. Ramm, D. Rompotis, S. Trippel, J. Wiese, F. Ziaee, S. Bari, M. Burt, J. Kupper, A. M. Rijs, D. Rolles, S. Techert, P. Eng-Johnsson, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, B. Manschwetus and M. Schnell
    Frontiers in Physics 10, article 880793 (2022)
  20. A localized view on molecular dissociation via electron-ion partial covariance
    Felix Allum, Valerija Music, Ludger Inhester, Rebecca Boll, Benjamin Erk, Philipp Schmidt, Thomas M. Baumann, Gunter Brenner, Michael Burt, Philipp V. Demekhin, Simon Dorner, Arno Ehresmann, Andreas Galler, Patrik Grychtol, David Heathcote, Denis Kargin, Mats Larsson, Jason W. L. Lee, Zheng Li, Bastian Manschwetus, Lutz Marder, Robert Mason, Michael Meyer, Huda Otto, Christopher Passow, Rudolf Pietschnig, Daniel Ramm, Kaja Schubert, Lucas Schwob, Richard Thomas, Claire Vallance, Igor Vidanovic, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Rene Wagner, Peter Walter, Vitali Zhaunerchyk, Daniel Rolles, Sadia Bari, Mark Brouard and Markus Ilchen
    Communications Chemistry 5, article 42 (2022)
  21. Tribute to Oleg S. Vasyutinskii
    Arthur G. Suits and Mark Brouard
    Mol. Phys. 120, e2015107 (2022)
  22. UV-induced dissociation of CH2BrI probed by intense femtosecond XUV pulses
    Hansjochen Kockert, Jason Lee, Felix Allum, Kasra Amini, Sadia Bari, Cedric Bomme, Felix Brausse, Mark Brouard, Michael Burt, Barbara Cunha de Miranda, Stefan Duesterer, Per Johnsson, Benjamin Erk, Marie Geleoc, Romain Geneaux, Alexander S Gentleman, Renaud Guillemin, Gildas Goldsztejn, David M P Holland, Iyas Ismail, Loic Journel, Thomas Kierspel, Jochen Kupper, Jan Lahl, Stuart R Mackenzie, Sylvain Maclot, Bastian Manschwetus, Andrey S Mereshchenko, Terry Mullins, Pavel Olshin, Jerome Palaudoux, Francis Penent, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Dimitrios Rompotis, Arnaud Rouzee, Thierry Ruchon, Artem Rudenko, Nora Schirmel, Marc Simon, Simone Techert, Oksana Travnikova, Sebastian H Trippel, Claire Vallance, Enliang Wang, Joss Wiese, Farzaneh Ziaee, Tatiana Marchenko, Daniel Rolles and Rebecca Boll
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55, 014001 (2022)
  23. Time-resolved relaxation and fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons investigated in the ultrafast XUV-IR regime
    J. W. L. Lee, D. S. Tikhonov, P. Chopra, S. Maclot, A. L. Steber, S. Gruet, F. Allum, R. Boll, X. Cheng, S. Dusterer, B. Erk, D. Garg, L. He, D. Heathcote, M. Johny, M. M. Kazemi, H. Kockert, J. Lahl, A. K. Lemmens, D. Loru, R. Mason, E. Muller, T. Mullins, P. Olshin, C. Passow, J. Peschel, D. Ramm, D. Rompotis, N. Schirmel, S. Trippel, J. Wiese, F. Ziaee, S. Bari, M. Burt, J. Kupper, A. M. Rijs, D. Rolles, S. Techert, P. Eng-Johnsson, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, B. Manschwetus and M. Schnell
    Nature Communications 12, 6107 (2021)
  24. Multi-particle three-dimensional covariance imaging: "coincidence" insights into the many-body fragmentation of strong-field ionized D2O
    Felix Allum, Chuan Cheng, Andrew J. Howard, Philip H. Bucksbaum, Mark Brouard, Thomas Weinacht and Ruaridh Forbes
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 8302 (2021)
  25. Inelastic collision dynamics of oriented NO molecules with Kr atoms
    Cornelia G. Heid, Imogen P. Bentham, Razvan Gheorghe, Pablo G. Jambrina, F. Javier Aoiz and Mark Brouard
    Mol. Phys. 120, e1946607 (2021)
  26. Multi-channel photodissociation and XUV-induced charge transfer dynamics in strong-field-ionized methyl iodide studied with time-resolved recoil-frame covariance imaging
    F. Allum, N. Anders, M. Brouard, P. Bucksbaum, M. Burt, B. Downes-Ward, S. Grundmann, J. Harries, Y. Ishimura, H. Iwayama, L. Kaiser, E. Kukk, J. W. L. Lee, X. Liu, R. S. Minns, K. Nagaya, A. Niozu, J. Niskanen, J. T. O'Neal, S. Owada, J. Pickering, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, S. Saito, K. Ueda, C. Vallance, N. Werby, J. Woodhouse, D. You, F. Ziaee, T. Driver and R. Forbes
    Faraday Discuss. 228, 571 (2021)
  27. Controlling the spin-orbit branching fraction in molecular collisions
    Cornelia G. Heid, Imogen P. Bentham, Victoria Walpole, Pablo G. Jambrina, F. Javier Aoiz and Mark Brouard
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 310 (2021)
  28. Post extraction inversion slice imaging for 3D velocity map imaging experiments
    Felix Allum, Robert Mason, Michael Burt,Craig Slater, Eleanor Squires, Benjamin Winter and Mark Brouard
    Molecular Physics 119, e1842531 (2021)
  29. Time-resolved site-selective imaging of predissociation and charge transfer dynamics: the CH3I B-band
    Ruaridh Forbes, Felix Allum, Sadia Bari, Rebecca Boll, M Brouard, Philip Bucksbaum, Nagitha Ekanayake, Benjamin Erk, Andrew Howard, Per Johnsson, Jason Lee, Bastian Manschwetus, Robert Mason, Christopher Passow, Jasper Peschel, Daniel Rivas, Aljoscha Roerig, Arnaud Rouzee, Claire Vallance, Farzaneh Ziaee, Daniel Rolles and Michael Burt
    J. Phys. B 53, 224001 (2020)
  30. Probing the location of the unpaired electron in spin-orbit changing collisions of NO with Ar
    Cornelia G. Heid, Imogen P. Bentham, Victoria Walpole, Razvan Gheorghe, Pablo G. Jambrina, F. Javier Aoiz and Mark Brouard
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 22289 (2020)
  31. High-resolution ion microscope imaging over wide mass ranges using electrodynamic postextraction differential acceleration
    Ang Guo, Robert J. Burleigh, Natasha Smith, Mark Brouard and Michael Burt
    J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 31, 1903 (2020)
  32. Differential cross sections and collision-induced rotational alignment in inelastic scattering of NO(X) by Xe
    Mark Brouard, Helen Chadwick, Sean D. S. Gordon, Cornelia G. Heid, Balazs Hornung, Bethan Nichols, Jacek Klos, Pablo G. Jambrina and F. Javier Aoiz
    Chinese J. Chem. Phys. 33, 217 (2020) ( EDITOR'S PICK )
  33. Microscope imaging mass spectrometry with a reflectron
    Robert J. Burleigh, Ang Guo, Natasha Smith, Andrew Green, Steve Thompson, Michael Burt and Mark Brouard
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 023306 (2020)
  34. Special issue: tribute to F. Javier Aoiz
    Mark Brouard and Luis Banares
    J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 1063 (2020)

2015 - 2019

  1. Steric effects in the inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ar: Side-on orientation
    Victoria Walpole, Cornelia G Heid, Pablo G. Jambrina, F. Javier Aoiz, and Mark Brouard
    J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 8787 (2019)
  2. Stereodynamical control of a quantum scattering resonance in cold molecular collisions
    Pablo G. Jambrina, James F.E. Croft, Hua Guo, Mark Brouard, Naduvalath Balakrishnan, and F. Javier Aoiz
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 043401 (2019)
  3. Differential steric effects in the inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ar: spin-orbit changing transitions
    M. Brouard, S. D. S. Gordon, B. Nichols, V. Walpole, F. J. Aoiz and S. Stolte
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21,14173 (2019)
  4. Side-impact collisions of Ar with NO
    Cornelia G Heid, Victoria Walpole, Mark Brouard, Pablo G Jambrina, F. Javier Aoiz
    Nature Chemistry, 11, 662 (2019) ( READ THE BLOG HERE )
  5. Coulomb explosion imaging of CH3I and CH2ClI photodissociation dynamics
    Felix Allum, Michael Burt, Kasra Amini, Rebecca Boll, Hansjochen Kockert, Pavel K. Olshin, Sadia Bari, Cedric Bomme, Felix Brausse, Barbara Cunha de Miranda, Stefan Dusterer, Benjamin Erk, Marie Geleoc, Romain Geneaux, Alexander S. Gentleman, Gildas Goldsztejn, Renaud Guillemin, David M. P. Holland, Iyas Ismail, Per Johnsson, Loïc Journel, Jochen Kupper, Jan Lahl, Jason W. L. Lee, Sylvain Maclot, Stuart R. Mackenzie, Bastian Manschwetus, Andrey S. Mereshchenko, Robert Mason, Jerome Palaudoux, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Francis Penent, Dimitrios Rompotis, Arnaud Rouzee, Thierry Ruchon, Artem Rudenko, Evgeny Savelyev, Marc Simon, Nora Schirmel, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Simone Techert, Oksana Travnikova, Sebastian Trippel, Jonathan G. Underwood, Claire Vallance, Joss Wiese, Farzaneh Ziaee, Mark Brouard, Tatiana Marchenko, and Daniel Rolles
    J. Chem. Phys., 149, 204313 (2018)
  6. Experimental and theoretical studies of the Xe–OH(A/X) quenching system
    J. Klos, G. McCrudden, M. Brouard, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, D. Herraez-Aguilar and F. J. Aoiz
    J. Chem. Phys., 149, 184301 (2018) ( A JCP EDITOR'S PICK ARTICLE )
  7. Mass-resolved ion microscope imaging over expanded mass ranges using double-field post-extraction differential acceleration
    Ang Guo, Michael Burt, and Mark Brouard,
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 429, 121 (2018)
  8. Time-resolved inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy: From a bound molecule to an isolated atom
    Felix Brausse, Gildas Goldsztejn, Kasra Amini, Rebecca Boll, Sadia Bari, Cedric Bomme, Mark Brouard, Michael Burt, Barbara Cunha de Miranda, Stefan Dusterer, Benjamin Erk, Marie Geleoc, Romain Geneaux, Alexander S. Gentleman, Renaud Guillemin, Iyas Ismail, Per Johnsson, Loic Journel, Thomas Kierspel, Hansjochen Kockert, Jochen Kupper, Pascal Lablanquie, Jan Lahl, Jason W. L. Lee, Stuart R. Mackenzie, Sylvain Maclot, Bastian Manschwetus, Andrey S. Mereshchenko, Terence Mullins, Pavel K. Olshin, Jerome Palaudoux, Serguei Patchkovskii, Francis Penent, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Dimitrios Rompotis, Thierry Ruchon, Artem Rudenko, Evgeny Savelyev, Nora Schirmel, Simone Techert, Oksana Travnikova, Sebastian Trippel, Jonathan G. Underwood, Claire Vallance, Joss Wiese, Marc Simon, David M. P. Holland, Tatiana Marchenko, Arnaud Rouzee, and Daniel Rolles,
    Phys. Rev. A, 97, 043429 (2018)
  9. Communication: Gas-phase structural isomer identification by Coulomb explosion of aligned molecules
    Michael Burt, Kasra Amini, Jason W. L. Lee, Lars Christiansen, Rasmus R. Johansen, Yuki Kobayashi, James D. Pickering, Claire Vallance, Mark Brouard, and Henrik Stapelfeldt,
    J. Chem. Phys., 148, 091102 (2018) ( FEATURED ARTICLE )
  10. Photodissociation of aligned CH3I and C6H3F2I molecules probed with time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging by site-selective extreme ultraviolet ionization
    Kasra Amini, Evgeny Savelyev, Felix Brausse, Nora Berrah, Cedric Bomme, Mark Brouard, Michael Burt, Lauge Christensen, Stefan Dusterer, Benjamin Erk, Hauke Hoppner, Thomas Kierspel, Faruk Krecinic, Alexandra Lauer, Jason W. L. Lee, Maria Muller, Erland Muller, Terence Mullins, Harald Redlin, Nora Schirmel, Jan Thogersen, Simone Techert, Sven Toleikis, Rolf Treusch, Sebastian Trippel, Anatoli Ulmer, Claire Vallance, Joss Wiese, Per Johnsson, Jochen Kupper, Artem Rudenko, Arnaud Rouzee, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Daniel Rolles, and Rebecca Boll,
    Structural Dynamics, 5, 014301 (2018)
  11. Development of the 'GP2' detector: Modification of the PImMS CMOS Sensor for Energy Resolved Neutron Radiography
    D. E. Pooley, J. W. L. Lee, M. Brouard, J. J. John, W. Kockelmann, N. J. Rhodes, E. M. Schooneveld, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, C. Vallance,
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 64, 2970 (2017)
  12. Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent CH2BrI photodissociation dynamics
    Michael Burt, Rebecca Boll, Jason W. L. Lee, Kasra Amini, Hansjochen Kockert, Claire Vallance, Alexander S. Gentleman, Stuart R. Mackenzie, Sadia Bari, Cedric Bomme, Stefan Dusterer, Benjamin Erk, Bastian Manschwetus, Erland Muller, Dimitrios Rompotis, Evgeny Savelyev, Nora Schirmel, Simone Techert, Rolf Treusch, Jochen Kupper, Sebastian Trippel, Joss Wiese, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Barbara Cunha de Miranda, Renaud Guillemin, Iyas Ismail, Loic Journel, Tatiana Marchenko, Jerome Palaudoux, Francis Penent, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Marc Simon, Oksana Travnikova, Felix Brausse, Gildas Goldsztejn, Arnaud Rouzee, Marie Geleoc, Romain Geneaux, Thierry Ruchon, Jonathan Underwood, David M. P. Holland, Andrey S. Mereshchenko, Pavel K. Olshin, Per Johnsson, Sylvain Maclot, Jan Lahl, Artem Rudenko, Farzaneh Ziaee,Mark Brouard,* and Daniel Rolles,
    Phys. Rev. A, 96, 043415 (2017)
  13. An experimental study of OH(A) + H2: Electronic quenching, rotational energy transfer, and collisional depolarization
    M. Brouard, J. Lawlor, G. McCrudden, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, P. Stevenson, H. Chadwick, and F. J. Aoiz,
    J. Chem. Phys., 146, 244313 (2017)
  14. Angular distributions for the inelastic scattering of NO(X) with O2(X)
    M. Brouard, S. D. S. Gordon, B. Nichols, E. Squires, V. Walpole, F. J. Aoiz, and S. Stolte,
    J. Chem. Phys., 146, 204304 (2017)
  15. Alignment, orientation, and Coulomb explosion of difluoroiodobenzene studied with the pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS) camera
    Kasra Amini, Rebecca Boll, Alexandra Lauer, Michael Burt, Jason W. L. Lee, Lauge Christensen, Felix Brausse, Terence Mullins, Evgeny Savelyev, Utuq Ablikim, Nora Berrah, Cedric Bomme, Stefan Dusterer, Benjamin Erk, Hauke Hoppner, Per Johnsson, Thomas Kierspel, Faruk Krecinic, Jochen Kupper, Maria Muller, Erland Muller, Harald Redlin, Arnaud Rouzee, Nora Schirmel, Jan Thogersen, Simone Techert, Sven Toleikis, Rolf Treusch, Sebastian Trippel, Anatoli Ulmer, Joss Wiese, Claire Vallance, Artem Rudenko, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Mark Brouard, and Daniel Rolles,
    J. Chem. Phys., 147, 013933 (2017)
  16. Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser
    Evgeny Savelyev, Rebecca Boll, Cedric Bomme, Nora Schirmel, Harald Redlin, Benjamin Erk, Stefan Dusterer, Erland Muller, Hauke Hoppner, Sven Toleikis, Jost Muller, Marie Kristin Czwalinna, Rolf Treusch, Thomas Kierspel, Terence Mullins, Sebastian Trippel, Joss Wiese, Jochen Kupper, Felix Brausse, Faruk Krecinic, Arnaud Rouzee, Piotr Rudawski, Per Johnsson, Kasra Amini, Alexandra Lauer, Michael Burt, Mark Brouard, Lauge Christensen, Jan Thogersen, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Nora Berrah, Maria Muller, Anatoli Ulmer, Simone Techert, Artem Rudenko and Daniel Rolles
    New J. Phys., 19, 043009 (2017)
  17. Ultraviolet photochemistry of 2-bromothiophene explored using universal ionization detection and multi-mass velocity-map imaging with a PImMS2 sensor
    R. A. Ingle, C. S. Hansen, E. Elsdon, M. Bain, S. J. King, J. W. L. Lee, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, R. Turchetta, and M. N. R. Ashfold
    J. Chem. Phys., 147, 013914 (2017)
  18. Time-resolved multi-mass ion imaging: Femtosecond UV-VUV pump-probe spectroscopy with the PImMS camera
    Ruaridh Forbes, Varun Makhija, Kevin Veyrinas, Albert Stolow, Jason W. L. Lee, Michael Burt, Mark Brouard, Claire Vallance, Iain Wilkinson, Rune Lausten, and Paul Hockett
    J. Chem. Phys., 147, 013911 (2017) ( READ AIP HIGHLIGHT ARTICLE HERE )
  19. Imaging quantum stereodynamics through Fraunhofer scattering of NO radicals with rare-gas atoms
    Jolijn Onvlee, Sean D. S. Gordon, Sjoerd N. Vogels, Thomas Auth, Tijs Karman, Bethan Nichols, Ad van der Avoird, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, Mark Brouard and Sebastiaan Y. T. van de Meerakker
    Nature Chemistry, 9, 226 (2017)
  20. Integral steric asymmetry in the inelastic scattering of NO(X)
    M. Brouard, S. D. S. Gordon, A. Hackett Boyle, C. G. Heid, B. Nichols, V. Walpole, F. J. Aoiz, and S. Stolte
    J. Chem. Phys. 146, 014302 (2017)
  21. 'GP2' - An energy resolved neutron imaging detector using a Gd coated CMOS sensor
    D. E. Pooley, J. W. L. Lee, M. Brouard, R. Farrow, J. J. John, W. Kockelmann, R. B. Nickerson, N. J. Rhodes, E. M. Schooneveld, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, and C. Vallance
    2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 1 (2016)
  22. Product lambda-doublet ratios as an imprint of chemical reaction mechanism
    P.G. Jambrina, A. Zanchet, J. Aldegunde, M. Brouard, and F.J. Aoiz
    Nature Communications, 7, 13439 (2016)
  23. Dissociation of multiply charged ICN by Coulomb explosion
    J. H. D. Eland, R. Singh, J. D. Pickering, C. S. Slater, A. Hult Roos, J. Andersson, S. Zagorodskikh, R. J. Squibb, M. Brouard and R. Feifel
    J. Chem. Phys. 145, 074303 (2016)
  24. Stereodynamics in NO(X) + Ar inelastic collisions
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, S. D. S. Gordon, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, F. J. Aoiz and S. Stolte
    J. Chem. Phys. 144, 224301 (2016) ( A 2016 JCP EDITORS' CHOICE ARTICLE )
  25. Communication: Three-fold covariance imaging of laser-induced Coulomb explosions
    J.D. Pickering, K. Amini, M. Brouard, M. Burt, I.J. Bush, L. Christensen, A. Lauer, J.H. Nielsen, C.S. Slater, and Henrik Stapelfeldt
    J. Chem. Phys. 144, 161105 (2016)
  26. High sensitivity ultra-broad-band absorption spectroscopy of inductively coupled chlorine plasma
    D Marinov, M Foucher, EK Campbell, M Brouard, P Chabert, and J-P Booth,
    Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25, 035019 (2016)
  27. Improved direct detection of low-energy ions using a multipixel photon counter coupled with a novel scintillator
    Benjamin Winter, Simon J. King, Mark Brouard, and Claire Vallance,
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 397, 27 (2016)
  28. Studies of photoinduced molecular dynamics using a fast imaging sensor
    Craig S Slater (supervisor M Brouard)
    Springer Theses, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2016)
  29. Three-dimensional imaging of carbonyl sulfide and ethyl iodide photodissociation using the Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry camera
    Kasra Amini, Sophie Blake, Mark Brouard, Michael Burt, Edward Halford, Alexandra Lauer, Craig Slater, Jason Lee, and Claire Vallance,
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 103113 (2015)
  30. Rotational Orientation Effects in NO(X) + Ar Inelastic Collisions
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Sean D Gordon, B. Hornung, B Nichols, F. J. Aoiz, and S. Stolte,
    J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 12404, (2015)
  31. Using laser-induced Coulomb explosion of aligned chiral molecules to determine their absolute configuration
    Lauge Christensen, Jens H. Nielsen, Craig S. Slater, Alexandra Lauer, Mark Brouard, and Henrik Stapelfeldt
    Phys. Rev. A 92, 033411 (2015) ( EDITORS' SUGGESTION )
  32. A new perspective: imaging the stereochemistry of molecular collisions
    F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, S.D.S. Gordon, B. Nichols, S. Stolte and V. Walpole
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 17, 30210 (2015)
  33. Coulomb-explosion imaging using a pixel-imaging mass-spectrometry camera
    C. S. Slater, S. Blake, M. Brouard, A. Lauer, C. Vallance, C. S. Bohun, L. Christensen, J. H. Nielsen, M. P. Johansson, and H. Stapelfeldt
    Phys. Rev. A 91, 053424, (2015)
  34. Surface-hopping trajectories for OH(A) + Kr: Extension to the 1A'' state
    T. Perkins, D. Herraez-Aguilar, G. McCrudden, J. Kłos, F.J. Aoiz and M. Brouard
    J. Chem. Phys. 142, 144307, (2015)
  35. Steric effects and quantum interference in the inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ar
    B. Nichols, H. Chadwick, S.D.S. Gordon, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, M. Brouard, M.H. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, A. Gijsbertsen and S. Stolte
    Chemical Science 6, 2202, (2015)

2010 - 2014

  1. Fully quantum state-resolved inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Kr: Differential cross sections and product rotational alignment
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, S.D.S. Gordon, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, J. Kłos, F.J. Aoiz and S. Stolte
    J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164306, (2014)
  2. Inelastic Scattering of NO by Kr: Rotational Polarization over a Rainbow
    Helen Chadwick, Bethan Nichols, Sean D. S. Gordon, Balazs Hornung, Eleanor Squires, Mark Brouard, Jacek Kłos, Millard H. Alexander, F. Javier Aoiz and Steven Stolte
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 3296 (2014)
  3. Taming molecular collisions using electric and magnetic fields
    Mark Brouard, David H. Parker, and Sebastiaan Y. T. van de Meerakker
    Chem. Soc. Rev., 43, 7279 (2014)
  4. Dynamic Stark Control of Torsional Motion by a Pair of Laser Pulses
    Lauge Christensen, Jens H. Nielsen, Christian B. Brandt, Christian B. Madsen, Lars Bojer Madsen, Craig S. Slater, Alexandra Lauer, Mark Brouard, Mikael P. Johansson, Benjamin Shepperson, and Henrik Stapelfeldt
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 073005 (2014)
  5. Modifications to a commercially available linear mass spectrometer for mass-resolved microscopy with the pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS) camera
    E. Halford, B. Winter, M. D. Mills, S. P. Thompson, V. Parr, J. J. John, A. Nomerotski, C. Vallance, R. Turchetta and M. Brouard
    Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 28, 1649 (2014)
  6. Reaction kinetics: Isotope effects feel the cold
    M. Brouard
    Nature Chemistry, News&Views, 6, 274 (2014)
  7. Collisional depolarisation in electronically excited radicals
    H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, T. Perkins and F.J. Aoiz
    Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 33, 79, (2014)
  8. A fast microchannel plate-scintillator detector for velocity map imaging and imaging mass spectrometry
    B. Winter, S. J. King, M. Brouard and C. Vallance
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 023306, (2014)
  9. The collisional depolarization of OH(A) and NO(A) with Kr
    H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, G. McCrudden, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, J. Klos, M. H. Alexander, P. J. Dagdigian, D. Herraez-Aguilar and F. J. Aoiz
    J. Chem. Phys. 140, 054306, (2014)
  10. Covariance imaging experiments using a pixel-imaging mass-spectrometry camera
    C. S. Slater, S. Blake, M. Brouard, A. Lauer, C. Vallance, J.J. John, R. Turchetta, A. Nomerotski, L. Christensen, J.H. Nielsen, M.P. Johansson, and H. Stapelfeldt
    Phys. Rev. A 89, 011401(R), (2014) ( RAPID COMMUNICATION )
  11. Fast sensors for time-of-flight imaging applications
    C. Vallance, M. Brouard, A. Lauer, C.S. Slater, E. Halford, B. Winter, S.-J. King, J.W.L. Lee, D. Pooley, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, A. Nomerotski, J.J. John and L. Hill
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 383, (2014)
  12. Electronic Quenching of OH (A) Induced by Collisions with Kr Atoms
    J.H. Lehman, M.I. Lester, J. Klos, M.H. Alexander, P.J. Dagdigian, D. Herraez-Aguilar, F.J. Aoiz, M Brouard, H. Chadwick, T. Perkins, and Scott A. Seamons
    J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 13481, (2013)
  13. Origin of collision-induced molecular orientation
    M. Brouard, B. Hornung and F.J. Aoiz
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 183202 (2013)
  14. Velocity corrected ion extraction in microscope mode imaging mass spectrometry
    B. Winter, E. Halford, M. Brouard
    Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 356, 14 (2013)
  15. Exploring surface photoreaction dynamics using pixel imaging mass spectrometry (PImMS)
    M.D. Kershis, D.P. Wilson, M.G. White, J.J. John, A. Nomerotski, M. Brouard, J.W.L. Lee, C. Vallance, and R. Turchetta
    J. Chem. Phys. 139, 084202, (2013) ( READ PHYSICS TODAY HIGHLIGHT ARTICLE HERE )
  16. The fully quantum state-resolved inelastic scattering of NO(X) + Ne: experiment and theory
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, J.M. Scott, F.J. Aoiz, J. Klos, S. Stolte and X. Zhang
    Mol. Phys. 111, 1759, (2013)
  17. Rotational alignment effects in NO(X) + Ar inelastic collisions: An experimental study.
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, F.J. Aoiz, P.G. Jambrina, and S. Stolte
    J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104310, (2013)
  18. Rotational alignment effects in NO(X) + Ar inelastic collisions: A theoretical study.
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C.J. Eyles, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, F.J. Aoiz, P.G. Jambrina, S. Stolte, and M.P. de Miranda
    J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104309, (2013)
  19. The hyperfine structure of NO(A).
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, B.J. Howard, S. Marinakis, N. Screen, S.A. Seamons, A. La Via
    J. Mol. Spec. 282, 42, (2012)
  20. The application of the fast, multi-hit, pixel imaging mass spectrometry sensor to spatial imaging mass spectrometry.
    M. Brouard, E. Halford, A. Lauer, C. S. Slater, B. Winter, W. H. Yuen, J. J. John, L. Hill, A. Nomerotski, A. Clark, J. Crooks, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, J. W. L. Lee, C. Vallance, and E. Wilman
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 114101, (2012)
  21. Multimass Velocity-Map Imaging with the Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry (PImMS) Sensor: An Ultra-Fast Event-Triggered Camera for Particle Imaging
    A.T. Clark, J.P. Crooks, I. Sedgwick, R. Turchetta, J.W.L. Lee, J. John John, E.S. Wilman, L. Hill, E. Halford, C.S. Slater, B. Winter, W.-H. Yuen, S.H. Gardiner, M.L. Lipciuc, M. Brouard, A. Nomerotski, and C. Vallance
    J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 10897, (2012)
  22. A new potential energy surface for OH(A)-Kr: The van der Waals complex and inelastic scattering
    H. Chadwick, M. Brouard, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, T. Perkins, S. A. Seamons, J. Klos, M. H. Alexander, and F. J. Aoiz
    J. Chem. Phys. 137, 154305, (2012)
  23. The vibrationally mediated photodissociation of Cl2
    E. K. Campbell, A. B. Alekseyev, G. G. Balint-Kurti, M. Brouard, Alex Brown, R. J. Buenker, A. J. Johnsen, D. B. Kokh, S. Lucas, and B. Winter
    J. Chem. Phys. 137, 124310, (2012)
  24. PImMS, a fast event-triggered monolithic pixel detector with storage of multiple timestamps
    J J John, M Brouard, A Clark, J Crooks, E Halford, L Hill, J W L Lee, A Nomerotski, R Pisarczyk, I Sedgwick, C S Slater, R Turchetta, C Vallance, E Wilman, B Winter and W H Yuen
    JINST. 7, C08001, (2012)
  25. PImMS: A self-triggered, 25ns resolution monolithic CMOS sensor for Time-of-Flight and Imaging Mass Spectrometry
    I. Sedgwick, A. T. Clark, J. P. Crooks, R. Turchetta, J. W. L. Lee, J.J. John, E. S. Wilman, L. Hill, R. Pisarczyk, E. Halford, C. S. Slater, B. Winter, W.H. Yuen, S.H. Gardiner, M. L. Lipciuc, M. Brouard, A. Nomerotski and C. Vallance
    New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2012 IEEE 10th International , 497, (2012)
  26. Ab Initio studies of the interaction potential for the Xe-NO(X) van der Waals complex: Bound states and fully quantum and quasi-classical scattering
    J. Klos, F. J. Aoiz, M. Menéndez, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, and C. J. Eyles
    J. Chem. Phys. 137, 014312, (2012)
  27. Electronic polarization effects in the photodissociation of Cl2
    E. K. Campbell, A. B. Alekseyev, G. G. Balint-Kurti, M. Brouard, Alex Brown, R. J. Buenker, R. Cireasa, A. J. Gilchrist, A. J. Johnsen, D. B. Kokh, S. Lucas, G. A. D. Ritchie, T. R. Sharples, and B. Winter
    J. Chem. Phys. 136, 164311, (2012)
  28. A complete quantum mechanical study of chlorine photodissociation
    A. J. Johnsen, A. B. Alekseyev, G. G. Balint-Kurti, M. Brouard, Alex Brown, R. J. Buenker, E. K. Campbell, and D. B. Kokh
    J. Chem. Phys. 136, 164310, (2012)
  29. The effect of parity conservation on the spin-orbit conserving and spin-orbit changing differential cross sections for the inelastic scattering of NO(X) by Ar
    C.J. Eyles, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, F. J. Aoiz, J. Klos, A. Gijsbertsen, X. Zhang and S. Stolte
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 5420, (2012)
  30. Fully lambda-doublet resolved state-to-state differential cross-sections for the inelastic scattering of NO(X) with Ar
    C.J. Eyles , M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, B. Hornung, B. Nichols, C.-H. Yang, J. Klos, F.J. Aoiz, A. Gijsbertsen, A.E. Wiskerke and S. Stolte
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 5403, (2012)
  31. The ultraviolet photodissociation of CS2: The S(1D2) channel
    M. Brouard, E. K. Campbell, R. Cireasa, A. J. Johnsen, and W.-H. Yuen
    J. Chem. Phys. 136, 044310, (2012)
  32. A new detector for mass spectrometry: Direct detection of low energy ions using a multi-pixel photon counter
    Edward S. Wilman, Sara H. Gardiner, Andrei Nomerotski, Renato Turchetta, Mark Brouard, and Claire Vallance
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 013304, (2012)
  33. Collisional angular momentum depolarization of OH(A) and NO(A) by Ar: A comparison of mechanisms
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Klos
    J. Chem. Phys. 135, 084306, (2011)
  34. The k-j-j' vector correlation in inelastic and reactive scattering
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, C. J. Eyles, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Klos
    J. Chem. Phys. 135, 084305, (2011)
  35. Interference structures in the differential cross-sections for inelastic scattering of NO by Ar
    C.J. Eyles, M. Brouard, C.-H. Yang, J. Klos, F.J. Aoiz, A. Gijsbertsen, A.E. Wiskerke and S. Stolte,
    Nature Chemistry 3, 597, (2011)
  36. Molecular collision dynamics.
    P. Casavecchia, M. Brouard, M. Costes, D. Nesbitt, E. Bieskee and S. Kable
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 8073, (2011)
  37. Molecular photofragment orientation in the photodissociation of H2O2 at 193 nm and 248 nm.
    Y.-P. Chang, M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, T. Perkins and S. A. Seamons,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 8213, (2011)
  38. Application of Fast Sensors to Microscope Mode Spatial Imaging Mass Spectrometry.
    M. Brouard, A.J. Johnsen, A. Nomerotski, C.S. Slater, C. Vallance, and W.H. Yuen,
    JINST 6, C01044, (2011)
  39. Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry with fast and intelligent Pixel detectors.
    A. Nomerotski, S. Adigun-Boaye, M. Brouard, E. Campbell, A. Clark, J. Crooks, J.J. John, A.J. Johnsen, C.S. Slater, R. Turchetta, C. Vallance, E. Wilman, and W.H. Yuen,
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 633 Supplement 1, S243, (2011)
  40. Tutorials in molecular reaction dynamics.
    M. Brouard and C. Vallance, Editors, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2010)
  41. Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry with fast and intelligent Pixel detectors.
    A. Nomerotski, M. Brouard, E. Campbell, A. Clark, J. Crooks, J. Fopma, J.J. John, A.J. Johnsen, C.S. Slater, R. Turchetta, C. Vallance, E. Wilman and W.H. Yuen,
    JINST 5, C07007, (2010)

2005 - 2009

  1. Elastic depolarization of OH(A) by He and Ar: a comparative study.
    M.L. Costen, R. Livingstone, K.G. McKendrick, G. Paterson, M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, C. J. Eyles, F.J. Aoiz, J. Klos,
    J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 15156, (2009)
  2. Inelastic scattering of He atoms and NO(X2Pi) molecules: The role of parity on the differential cross section.
    F.J. Aoiz, J.E. Verdasco, M. Brouard, J. Klos, S. Marinakis, S. Stolte
    J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 14636, (2009)
  3. Applications of Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy to angular momentum polarization studies.
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, and C.J. Eyles,
    Physica Scripta 80, 048120, (2009)
  4. Photo-Induced, Family-Specific, Site-Selective Cleavage of TIM-barrel Proteins.
    N. Floyd, N.J. Oldham, C.J. Eyles, S. Taylor, D.A. Filatov, M. Brouard, B.G. Davis,
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 12518, (2009)
  5. Collisional depolarization of NO(A) by He and Ar studied by quantum beat spectroscopy
    M. Brouard, H. Chadwick, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, C. J. Eyles, A. O. La Via, N. Screen, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Klos
    J. Chem. Phys. 131, 104307, (2009)
  6. Collisional depolarization of OH(A) with Ar: Experiment and theory
    M. Brouard, A. Bryant, Y.-P. Chang, R. Cireasa, C. J. Eyles, A. M. Green, S. Marinakis, F. J. Aoiz, and J. Klos
    J. Chem. Phys. 130, 044306, (2009)
  7. The collisional depolarization of 2S+1Sigma radicals by closed shell atoms: Theory and application to OH(A 2Sigma+)+Ar.
    F. J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, C. J. Eyles, J. Klos, and M. P. de Miranda
    J. Chem. Phys. 130, 044305, (2009)
  8. Velocity map ion imaging in time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
    M. Brouard, E. Campbell, A. J. Johnsen, C. Vallance, W. H. Yuen and A. Nomerotski
    Rev. Sci Instrum. 79, 123115, (2008)
  9. A new potential energy surface for OH(A)--Ar: the van der Waals complex and scattering dynamics.
    J. Klos, M. H. Alexander, M. Brouard, C. J. Eyles, and F. J. Aoiz
    J. Chem. Phys. 129, 054301, (2008)
  10. When molecules don't rebound.
    M. Brouard,
    Nature, News and Views, 454, 43, (2008)
  11. Atomic polarization in the photodissociation of polyatomic molecules.
    M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, F. Quadrini, and C. Vallance, in Gas Phase Molecular Reaction and Photodissociation Dynamics, Edited by K.C. Lin and P.D. Kleiber, (ISBN 978-81-7895-305-2),
    Transworld Research Network, T.C. 37/661(2), Fort P.O., Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India, Research Signpost, p267, (2007)
  12. The photodissociation dynamics of ozone at 226 and 248nm: O(3PJ) atomic angular momentum polarization.
    M. Brouard, A. Goman, S. J. Horrocks, A. J. Johnsen, F. Quadrini, and W.-H. Yuen
    J. Chem. Phys. 127, 144304, (2007)
  13. The photodissociation dynamics of OCS at 248nm: the S(3PJ) atomic angular momentum polarization.
    M. Brouard, F. Quadrini and C. Vallance
    J. Chem. Phys. 127, 084305, (2007)
  14. The photodissociation dynamics of OCS at 248nm: the S(1D2) atomic angular momentum polarization.
    M. Brouard, A. V. Green, F. Quadrini and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys. 127, 084304, (2007)
  15. Fully quantum state-resolved inelastic scattering between He and NO(X2Pi)
    J. Klos, F.J. Aoiz, J. E. Verdasco M. Brouard, S. Marinakis and S. Stolte
    J. Chem. Phys. 127, 031102, (2007)
  16. Atomic angular momentum polarization effects in the photodissociation of diatomic molecules.
    A.P. Clark, M. Brouard, F. Quadrini, and C. Vallance,
    Invited Article Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 5591, (2006)
  17. The photodissociation dynamics of O2 at 193nm: an O(3PJ) angular momentum polarization study.
    M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, F. Quadrini, and C. Vallance,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 5549, (2006)
  18. Cumulative reaction probabilities: A Comparison between quasiclassical and quantum mechanical results.
    F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, C.J. Eyles, J.F. Castillo, V.Saez Rabanos,
    J. Chem. Phys. 125, 144105, (2006)
  19. The photodissociation dynamics of ozone at 193 nm: an O(1D2) angular momentum polarization study.
    M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, G.C. Groenenboom, G. Hancock, S.J.Horrocks, F. Quadrini, G.A.D. Ritchie, and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys. 125, 133308, (2006)
  20. The photodissociation of NO2 at 308nm and of NO2 and N2O4 at 226nm.
    M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, T.J. Preston, and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys. 124, 064309, (2006)
  21. Imaging photon-initiated reactions: A study of the Cl(2P3/2) + CH4 --> HCl + CH3 reaction.
    M.J. Bass, M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys. 123, 094301, (2005)
  22. Depolarization of OH(A) studied by Zeeman quantum beat spectroscopy.
    M. Brouard, A. Bryant, I. Burak, S. Marinakis, F. Quadrini, I. Anton Garcia, and C. Vallance,
    Mol. Phys. 103, 1693, (2005)

2000 - 2004

  1. Product spin-orbit state resolved dynamics of the H + H2O and H + D2O abstraction reactions.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, S. Marinakis, L. Rubio Lago, P. Tampkins and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys., 121, 10426, (2004)
  2. Spatial distributions of angular momenta in quantum and quasiclassical stereodynamics.
    Marcelo P. de Miranda, F. Javier Aoiz, Mark Brouard, and V. Saez-Rabanos,
    J. Chem. Phys. 121, 9830, (2004)
  3. Cross-sections for the H + H2O --> OH + H2 and H + D2O --> OD + HD abstraction reactions.
    M. Brouard, S. Marinakis, L. Rubio Lago, F. Quadrini, D. Solaiman, C. Vallance, F. J. Aoiz, L. Banares, J. F. Castillo and M.A. Collins,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 4991, (2004)
  4. The dynamics of the Cl + n-C4H10 --> HCl(v',j') + C4H9 reaction at 0.3 eV.
    M.J. Bass, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, T.N. Kitsopoulos, P.C. Samartzis and R.L. Toomes,
    J. Chem. Phys. 121, 7175, (2004)
  5. O(3PJ) alignment from the photodissociation of SO2 at 193 nm.
    M. Brouard, R. Cireasa, A.P. Clark, T.J. Preston, C. Vallance, G.C. Groenenboom and O.S. Vasyutinskii,
    J. Phys. Chem. A. 108, 7965, (2004)
  6. Photodissociation and multiphoton dissociative ionization processes in CH3S2CH3 at 193 nm studied with velocity-map imaging.
    B. Martinez-Haya, M.J. Bass, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, I. Torres, and J. Barr,
    J. Chem. Phys., 120 11042, (2004)
  7. The dynamics of the Cl + C2H6 --> HCl(v',j') + C2H5 reaction at 0.24eV: is ethyl a spectator?
    M.J. Bass, M. Brouard, C. Vallance, T.N. Kitsopoulos, P.C. Samartzis and R.L. Toomes;
    J. Chem. Phys. 119, 7168, (2003)
  8. Velocity-map imaging study of the O(3P) + N2 product channel following 193nm photolysis of N2O.
    M. Brouard, A.P. Clark, C. Vallance, O.S. Vasyutinskii,
    J. Chem. Phys. 119, 771, (2003)
  9. The cross section for the H + H2O abstraction reaction: experiment and theory.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, S. Marinakis, D. Minayev, P. O'Keeffe, C. Vallance, F. J. Aoiz, L. Banares, J. F. Castillo, D. H. Zhang, D. Xie, M. Yang, S-Y. Lee and M. A. Collins;
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 , 093201, (2003)
  10. Angular momentum alignment in the 308nm photolysis of Cl2 determined using Fourier moment velocity-map imaging.
    M.J. Bass, M. Brouard, A.P. Clark, B. Martinez-Haya, and C. Vallance,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 856, (2003)
  11. The dynamics of the H + D2O --> OD + HD reaction at 2.5 eV; experiment and theory.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, D. Minayev, P. O'Keeffe, C. Vallance, F. J. Aoiz, L. Banares, J. F. Castillo, D. H. Zhang, and M. A. Collins,
    J. Chem. Phys. 118, 1162, (2003)
  12. Fourier moment analysis of velocity-map ion images.
    M. J. Bass, M. Brouard, A. P. Clark, and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys. 117, 8723, (2002)
  13. Feature article: The state resolved dynamics of elementary reactions.
    M Brouard, P. O'Keeffe, and C. Vallance,
    J. Phys. Chem. A. 106, 3629, (2002)
  14. The dynamics of the light atom transfer reaction O(3PJ) + HBr --> OH(v',j') + Br(2PJ')
    M. Brouard, and C. Vallance;
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 3602 (2001)
  15. NO orientation following 308 nm photodissociation of NO2.
    M.Brouard, P. O'Keeffe, D.M. Joseph, and D. Minayev,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2249, (2001)
  16. Insertion and abstraction pathways in the reaction O(1D2) + H2 --> OH + H.
    F.J. Aoiz, L. Banares, F.J. Castillo, M. Brouard, W. Denzer, C. Vallance, P.Honvault, J.-M. Launay, A.J. Dobbyn, and P.J. Knowles,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1729, (2001)
  17. The dynamics of the reactions H + H2O --> OH + H2 and H + D20 --> OD + HD at 1.4eV.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, D. M. Joeseph, G. A. J. Markillie, D. Minayev, P. O'Keeffe and C. Vallance;
    J. Chem. Phys. 114, 6690, (2001)
  18. The dynamics of the O(1D) + HD reaction. A quasi-classical trajectory multisurface study.
    F.J. Aoiz, L.Banares, M. Brouard, F.J. Castillo, and V.J. Herrero,
    J. Chem. Phys. 113, 5339, (2000)
  19. Product state resolved stereodynamics: Rotational polarization of OH(2P;v',N',W,f) scattered from the reaction, H + CO2 --> OH + CO.
    M. Brouard, I.Burak, D.W. Hughes, K.S. Kalogerakis, J.P. Simons and V. Stavros;
    J. Chem. Phys.  113, 3173, (2000)
  20. H + N2O --> OH(v',N') + N2 reaction: OH rotational angular momentum polarization.
    M. Brouard, S.D. Gatenby, D.M. Joseph, and C. Vallance,
    J. Chem. Phys., 113, 3162, (2000)
  21. Product rotational angular momentum polarization in the reaction O(1D2) + H --> OH + H.
    A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, L. Banares, M. Brouard, and J.P. Simons,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 571, (2000)
  22. The product rovibrational and spin-orbit state dependent dynamics of the complex reaction H + CO2 --> OH + CO; Memories of a lifetime.
    M. Brouard, D.W. Hughes, K.S. Kalogerakis, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Phys., 112, 4557, (2000)
  23. The H + N2O --> OH + N2 reaction: the microscopic mechanism at 1.5eV.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, and S.D. Gatenby,
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 715, (2000)

1995 - 1999

  1. The H + N2O --> OH + N2 reaction at 1.5 eV: New evidence for two microscopic mechanisms.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, S.D. Gatenby, D. Hart, and D. Minayev,
    J. Chem. Phys., 110, 11335, (1999)
  2. Chemistry with a sense of direction: the stereodynamics of bimolecular reactions.
    A.J. Alexander, M. Brouard, K.S. Kalogerakis, and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Soc. Rev. 27, 405, (1998)
  3. An experimental study of the dynamics of the reaction H + CO2 --> OH(v', j', f) + CO: product state-resolved differential cross sections and translational energy release distributions.
    M. Brouard, D.W. Hughes, K.S. Kalogorakis, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Phys. Chem. 102, 9559, (1998)
  4. Product state-resolved dynamics for the reaction H + N2O --> OH + N2.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, S. Gatenby, G.A.J. Markillie,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 287, 682, (1998)
  5. Reaction Dynamics.
    M. Brouard
    OUP Primer Series, 61, (1998)
  6. O(1D2) + H2 --> OH(v',N',f') + H: the anatomy of a reaction.
    A.J. Alexander, D.A. Blunt, M. Brouard, J.P. Simons, F.J. Aoiz, L. Banares, Y. Fujimura, and M. Tsubouchi,
    Faraday Discuss. 108, 375, (1997)
  7. The state-resolved stereodynamics of an insertion reaction O(1D2) + H2 --> OH(v', N', f') + H.
    A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, J. Short, and J.P. Simons,
    Israel J. Chem. 37, 317, (1997)
  8. The H + H2O --> OH + H2 reaction: OH state-resolved differential cross-sections and H2 co-product internal energy disposals.
    M. Brouard, I. Burak, G.A.J. Markillie, K.E.W. McGrath and C. Vallance,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 281, 97, (1997)
  9. Classical reaction probabilities, cross sections and rate constants for the O(1D2) + H2-->OH + H reaction.
    A.J.Alexander, F.J.Aoiz, L.Banares, M Brouard, V. J. Herrero, and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 278, 313, (1997)
  10. Stereodynamics of the reaction O(1D2) + H2 --> OH(v'=0, N', f') + H: state-resolved Linear and rotational angular momentum distributions.
    A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, L. Banares, M. Brouard, J. Short and J.P. Simons,
    J. Phys. Chem. 101, 7544, (1997)
  11. The state-to-state photodissociation dynamics of HOD(A)
    M. Brouard, and S. R. Langford,
    J. Chem. Phys. 106, 6354, (1997)
  12. Product rotational polarization: The stereodynamics of the F + H2 reaction.
    F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, V.J. Herrero, V. Saez Rabanos and K. Stark,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 264, 487, (1997)
  13. An experimental and quasi-classical trajectory study of the product state resolved stereodynamics of the reaction: O(1D) + H2 --> OH(X2Pi; v'=0, N'=5) + H.
    A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, I. Burak, Y. Fujimura, J. Short, and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 262, 589, (1996)
  14. Product rotational polarization in photon-initiated bimolecular reactions.
    F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, and P.A. Enriquez,
    J. Chem. Phys., 105, 4964, (1996)
  15. Product state-resolved stereodynamics of the reaction H + CO2 --> OH + CO.
    M. Brouard, H.M. Lambert, S.P. Rayner, and J.P. Simons,
    Mol. Phys. 89, 403, (1996)
  16. Product state-resolved stereodynamics: O(1D) + HCl --> OH + Cl.
    A.J. Alexander, M. Brouard, S.P. Rayner, and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. 207, 215, (1996)
  17. Product state-resolved stereodynamics: quasi-classical trajectory study of the reaction O(1D) + HD --> OH(D) + D(H)
    A.J. Alexander, F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 256, 561, (1996)
  18. Unimolecular reaction dynamics of persistent collision complexes.
    M. Brouard, H.M. Lambert, J. Short, C.L. Russell, and J.P. Simons,
    Faraday Discuss. 102, 179, (1995)
  19. Stereodynamics of photon-initiated bimolecular reactions.
    M. Brouard, and J.P. Simons in
    Chemical dynamics and kinetics of small radicals, Part II, K. Liu and A. L. Wagner Eds., (World Scientific, Singapore 1995) p795.
  20. Product state-resolved stereodynamics of the reaction O(1D) + CH4 --> OH + CH3.
    M. Brouard, H.M. Lambert, J. Short, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Phys. Chem. 99, 13571, (1995)

1990 - 1994

  1. New trends in the state-to-state photodissociation dynamics of H2O(A)
    M. Brouard, S.R. Langford, and D.E. Manolopoulos,
    J. Chem. Phys., 101, 7458, (1994)
  2. Elastic scattering dynamics of translationally and rotationally aligned molecular fragments via Doppler-resolved Laser spectroscopy: OH + Ar/He.
    M. Baba, M. Brouard, S. P. Rayner and J. P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 220, 411, (1994)
  3. Doppler-resolved Laser probing of photon-initiated bimolecular collisions: O(1D) + CH4 --> OH + CH3.
    M. Brouard, S.P. Duxon, and J.P. Simons,
    Israel J. Chem. 34, 67, (1994)
  4. Peripheral chemical reactions.
    M. Ben-Nun, M. Brouard, J.P. Simons, and R.D. Levine,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 210 423 (1993)
  5. The stereodynamics of photon induced reactions via Doppler resolved LIF spectroscopy: Photodissociation dynamics of HONO2 and the reaction dynamics of O(1D) with CH4.
    M. Brouard, S.P. Duxon, P.A. Enriquez, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 89, 1435, (1993)
  6. The analysis of product Doppler broadened profiles generated from photon initiated bimolecular reactions.
    F.J. Aoiz, M. Brouard, P.A. Enriquez, and R. Sayos,
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 89, 1427, (1993)
  7. State-selected photodissociation dynamics of H2O2(4vOH): Rotational state dependent photodissociation cross-sections and rovibrational coupling.
    M. Brouard, and R. Mabbs,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 204, 543 (1993)
  8. The stereodynamics of the O(1D) + N2O reaction via velocity aligned photofragment dynamics.
    M. Brouard, S. P. Duxon, P.A. Enriquez, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Phys., 97, 7414, (1992)
  9. The photophysics of HCOOH(A) close to its electronic origin.
    M. Brouard, and J-X. Wang,
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 88, 3511, (1992)
  10. The state-to-state photodissociation dynamics of HCOOH(A)
    M. Brouard, J-X. Wang, and J.P. Simons,
    Faraday Discuss. 91, 63, (1991)
  11. Stereodynamical studies of velocity aligned photofragments.
    M. Brouard, S.P. Duxon, R. Sayos, P.A. Enriquez, and J.P. Simons,
    Laser Chem. 11, 265, (1991)
  12. Velocity-aligned photofragment dynamics: Stereodynamics of the reaction O(1D) + N2O --> NO + NO.
    M. Brouard, S. P. Duxon, R. Sayos, P. A. Enriquez and J. P. Simons,
    J. Phys. Chem. 95, 568, (1991)
  13. The measurement of vector correlations in bimolecular reactions by laser pump and probe techniques.
    F. Green, G. Hancock, A.J. Orr-Ewing, M. Brouard, S.P. Duxon, R. Sayos, P.A. Enriquez and J.P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 182, 568, (1991)
  14. Photofragment mapping of intramolecular motion.
    M. Brouard, M. T. Martinez, J. O'Mahony, and J. P. Simons,
    Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Lond.) A332, 245, (1990)
  15. Fragment pair correlations in the vibrationally mediated photodissociation of HOOH: rotation-vibration coupling in the third OH stretching overtone state .
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, and J. O'Mahony,
    Mol. Phys. 69, 1021, (1990)
  16. Energy and angular momentum disposals in the vibrationally mediated photodissociation of HOOH and HOOD Intramolecular properties via photofragment mapping.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, J. O'Mahony, and J.P. Simons,
    Mol. Phys. 69, 65, (1990)
  17. Near threshold stereo-dynamics of molecular photodissociation: The visible and near ultraviolet photodissociation of H2O2.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, C.J. Milne, J.P. Simons, and J-X. Wang,
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 165, 423, (1990)
  18. Recent advances in molecular photodissociation.
    M. Brouard,
    J. Photochem. and Photobiol. B 51, 17, (1990)

1985 - 1989

  1. Vibrationally mediated photodissociation of HOOH and HOOD.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, J. O'Mahony, and J.P. Simons,
    Bull. Roy. Soc. Liege 58, 157, (1989)
  2. Photofragment vector correlations in vibrationally mediated photodissociation: A new angle on IVR.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, J. O'Mahony, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 2 85, 1207, (1989)
  3. Photofragment vector correlations in the vibrationally mediated photodissociation of H2O2.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Martinez, J. O'Mahony, and J. P. Simons,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 150, 6, (1988)
  4. The photodissociation dynamics of HCOOH(A)
    M. Brouard, and J. O'Mahony,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 149, 45, (1988)
  5. Vector correlations in molecular photodissociation: H2O2, HONO2, (CH3)3COOH.
    J. August, M. Brouard, M.P. Docker, A. Hodgson, C.J. Milne and J.P. Simons,
    Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 92, 264, (1988)
  6. The photodissociation dynamics of butyl nitrite and butyl hydroperoxide at 248-250nm.
    J. August, M. Brouard, M.P. Docker, C.J. Milne, J.P. Simons, R. Lavi, S. Rosenwaks, and D. Schwartz-Lavi,
    J. Phys. Chem. 92, 5485, (1988)
  7. Photofragment vector correlations and dissociation dynamics in HONO2.
    J. August, M. Brouard, and J.P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 2 84, 587, (1988)
  8. Comment on `Sensitive quantum state selected detection of H2O and D2O by 2+1 resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization.
    M. Brouard, M. P. Docker, A. Hodgson, and J. P. Simons,
    J. Chem. Phys. 86, 7246, (1987)
  9. An experimental and RRKM modelling study of the CH3 + H and CH3 + D reactions.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Macpherson, and M.J. Pilling,
    J. Phys. Chem. 93, 4047, (1989)
  10. Product yields and mechanism for the excimer laser photolysis of azomethane at 193 nm.
    J.E. Baggott, M. Brouard, M.A. Coles, A. Davis, P.D. Lightfoot, M.T. Macpherson, and M.J. Pilling,
    J. Phys. Chem. 91, 317, (1987)
  11. An apparent isotope anomaly in the reaction CH3 + H/D.
    M. Brouard, and M.J. Pilling,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 129, 439, (1986)
  12. Observation of the equilibrium in the system H + C2H4 -- C2H5. The determination of the heat of formation of C2H5.
    M. Brouard, P.D. Lightfoot, and M.J. Pilling,
    J. Phys. Chem., 90, 445, (1986)
  13. The pressure dependence of the CH3 + H reaction at 504 K.
    M. Brouard, M.T. Macpherson, M.J. Pilling, J.M. Tulloch, and A.P. Williamson,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 113, 413, (1985)

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